Business name: Frankly Pelvic LLC
Contact name: Dr. Kelly Frank | She/Her
Phone: (407) 801-7407
Address: 230 Benmore Drive, Winter Park, Fl 32792 *Also Mobile services provided

What city is your “home base?”: Winter Park, Altamonte Springs, Maitland, Seminole and Orange Counties, will extend into Osceola and Lake for additional travel fee
How far are you willing to travel?:
miles greater than 20 miles receive a $20 travel fee
Do you offer a sliding scale or discounted services?: Discounted services are available upon request/financial need.
Do you take any insurance plans or medicaid? If so, please explain.: Currently an out of network provider. I provide a SuperBill at the end of each session for clients to submit their claims for possible reimbursement.

Frankly Pelvic is a mobile and in-office pelvic health physical therapy practice serving all genders, orientations, and stages of life in Central Florida. From scar tissue, diastasis recti, pelvic pain, endometriosis, and pelvic floor weakness/incoordination, your quality of life and functionality will be put first during each session. Dr. Kelly Frank will be your biggest advocate, educator, and supporter during your pelvic health journey. Offering mobile services throughout Central Florida and a convenient office space in Winter Park to fit your scheduling needs.


Moonrise Birth Collective