Business name: Little Blue Elephant, LLC
Primary contact name: Andzelika Bielawski (she/her)
Other members of this practice: Alicja Bielawski, Aleksandra Bielawski, Adelena Bielawski, & Jamie Bielawski
Phone: (772) 341-4652


What city is your “home base?”: Orlando, FL
How far are you willing to travel?:
100 miles

At Little Blue Elephant we strive to offer a wide range of services that cater to the needs and preferences of our clients. We understand that every family is unique and may require different types of support, which is why we have assembled a team of professionals with various specialties.

Our goal is to ensure that parents feel supported and empowered throughout their journey, from pregnancy to parenthood and beyond. We believe that by providing a comprehensive range of services, we can help alleviate some of the stress and challenges that come with raising a family.

We take pride in our team of medically trained professionals who bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our services. Whether it's providing emotional support during labor and delivery, capturing precious moments through photography, or offering postpartum care, our team is dedicated to providing the highest level of care and support.

Our concierge childcare services are designed to provide convenience and peace of mind for busy parents. We understand that finding reliable and trustworthy care for children can be a challenge, especially during travel or when parents are away from home. That's why we offer childcare services both at home and during travel, ensuring that parents can confidently entrust their little ones to our care.

And of course, we understand that pets are an important part of many families. Our pet sitting and house sitting services are designed to provide peace of mind for pet owners, knowing that their furry friends are in good hands and their homes are safe while they're away.

Thank you for recognizing our dedication to providing comprehensive and personalized support for families. We are constantly striving to improve and expand our services to meet the diverse needs of our clients. It's our mission to make the lives of families easier and more enjoyable, and we're grateful for the opportunity to do so.


Mother NaturAle


Mind & Body Motherhood