How a Doula Can Support Your Adoption
Contributing Writer(s) for CFBN: Sarah Foster Doula. This content may contain opinions that may or may not be shared by all CFBN Members. This content should not be considered a suggestion that all doulas provide the same support, all doulas are different, just like each family need. If you’re looking for a doula to fit your particular needs, please consider using the Central Florida Birth Network’s Provider Directory.
Amongst other things, a doula provides emotional support, preparation, and education for parents seeking to grow their families. Doula support therefore can look as unique as the families being supported! It is not uncommon for one family to experience a multitude of family planning needs. As time goes on, individuals will consider their birth control needs, as well as consider how to grow their family and when. If a family is considering utilizing adoption to as part of their family planning needs, a doula can provide:
Non-judgmental emotional support
Support with planning - may include birth & postpartum
Postpartum support and education
Adoption-specific education and preparation
Presence during appointments
Doula support is available for both the birth giver and the adoptive parents, although, most doulas do not provide support to both at one time. In the state of Florida there are three primary types of adoption: private domestic adoption, foster care adoption, and international adoption. That means families can work with private agencies to arrange an adoption within the country or internationally, or they may work with the Department of Children and Families (DCF) to adopt a foster child. In general, Florida state law does not require that prospective adoptive parents be married, single parent adoption in Florida is allowed so long as the parent meets the other requirements to adopt. Thanks to the Supreme Courts groundbreaking Obergefell decision, same-sex adoption is now protected by federal law in every state and therefore is also permitted in Florida.
The adoption process itself can be extensive. There may be financial costs involved in adoption which may or may not be reimbursable. Each agency may have different requirements that they ask of birth mothers and/or adoptive parents throughout the process. In adoption each case home studies and social investigations, while necessary, may feel intrusive or confusing. The great emotional toll that comes with an adoption can all feel daunting when combined with all the steps and paperwork involved. Yet those who are committed to making a difference in the life of a child can look forward to improving that child’s life and wellbeing, while simultaneously developing a rewarding and exciting life long relationship. Seeking practical and emotional support during this process can make a world of difference before, during, and after the adoption process for adults and even children that may be involved.
If you feel adoption is for you and are seeking support I encourage you to check out the following resources. Available for both interested birth givers and adoptive families alike, visit the DCF Explore Adoption to learn more about your options in the state of Florida.
Contributing Writer(s) for CFBN: Sarah Foster Doula. This content may contain opinions that may or may not be shared by all CFBN Members. This content should not be considered a suggestion that all doulas provide the same support, all doulas are different, just like each family need. If you’re looking for a doula to fit your particular needs, please consider using the Central Florida Birth Network’s Provider Directory.