Membership Commitments and Code of Conduct
Central Florida Birth Network Membership Code of Conduct
CFBN Members, Leadership Team, Regional Contacts, and Circle Hosts and Facilitators are expected to treat all birth and allied health professionals in an ethical, professional, and respectful manner at all times. Members should strive to promote ethical conduct within the birth professional community as a whole.
CFBN Members, Leadership Team, Regional Contacts, and Circle Hosts and Facilitators are expected to make every effort to honor agreements and contracts for professional services to their clients, and to provide the services that they agree to provide. If they are unable to honor a contract or agreement, they are expected to offer referrals wherever possible and to make whatever amends, financial or otherwise, that are appropriate.
CFBN Members, Leadership Team, Regional Contacts, and Circle Hosts and Facilitators will not divulge confidential information received in a professional capacity from their clients, nor compromise clients' confidentiality either directly or through the use of internet media such as Facebook or blogs. Any and all social media posts where client’s images or stories are included, express permission must be obtained by said client.
CFBN Members, Leadership Team, Regional Contacts, and Circle Hosts and Facilitators should make every effort to encourage their clients to assume personal responsibility for the decisions they make during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum time.
Central Florida Birth Network Membership Commitments
Inclusivity | Education | Accessibility | Awareness
The Central Florida Birth Network is committed to Inclusivity
CFBN is proud to be an inclusive nonprofit organization serving all kinds of parents and their families. As a member of CFBN you commit to maintaining and upholding that inclusivity, welcome, and celebrate the folks in our community. This includes, but is not limited to the following: sexuality, religion or spiritual practice, race, socioeconomic status, political affiliation, or pregnancy and birth decisions and perspectives.
CFBN encourages our members to operate their businesses and engage with our community in ways that are specific to them and their identities, beliefs, and perspectives. We celebrate the diversity of Central Florida, the professionals in our network, and the families in our community. We expect that if something does not align with you, members should scroll past or refer out and treat others with respect, dignity, and kindness while doing so.
The Central Florida Birth Network is committed to Education
CFBN knows that often one of the barriers to making truly informed decisions, and having the sort of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum time desired, is a lack of education. Whenever applicable or possible, CFBN Members commit to offering, either through their own curriculums or through community referrals, evidence informed education on pregnancy and childbirth options, postpartum care, infant feeding, infant sleep, other modalities of care, etc.
The Central Florida Birth Network is committed to Increased Accessibility
CFBN understands that accessibility to healthcare is vital to better pregnancy and birth outcomes. When we increase accessibility to care, classes, resources, circles, or events, we ensure that we can serve as many families in Central Florida as possible, and make pregnancy and birth better for everyone. For a list of discounted, volunteer, or sliding scale CFBN providers click here.
CFBN also understands that building community within the birth and allied health community in Central Florida should be easy. To ensure that all birth and allied health professionals can engage with our community events and circles, CFBN commits to offering free and low cost events whenever possible. CFBN also commits to hosting virtual events whenever possible. We commit to this because it is a priority for our network to be accessible to as many birth and allied health professionals as possible.
The Central Florida Birth Network is committed to Raising Awareness of and Advocating for our community’s needs.
The pregnant, birthing, and postpartum folks in Central Florida have many needs specific to their lives and lived experiences. CFBN commits to sharing the stories and amplifying the voices of our community because we know that Central Florida is better when we live authentically in community together.
CFBN acknowledges that Black, Indigenous, People of color (BIPOC), poor folks, queer families, folks with disabilities, and those who live in larger bodies have much worse reproductive outcomes than their counterparts. CFBN commits to advocating for all birthing people no matter their race, sexuality, ability, socioeconomic status, gender, or size.
Central Florida Birth Network’s Commitment to Families:
Educating families about holistic & informed pregnancy, birth, and postpartum care so they are empowered to make personal choices with knowledge and clarity
Guiding families toward holistic, alternative, and complementary care in addition to their regular prenatal and labor care
Advocating for a reduction in the number of unnecessary medical interventions
Supporting families in their new role as parents by offering resources about new parenthood, including lactation, infant sleeping, and postpartum care
Promoting lactation (taking into consideration the mental and physical health of the lactating parent) for at least the first year, exclusively for the first six months, per WHO and UNICEF guidelines
Maintaining the Midwives Model of Care as outlined by the Citizens for Midwifery
Maintaining the Mother Friendly Childbirth Initiative as laid out by the Coalition for Improving Maternity Services
Supporting all parents without regard to race, religion, culture, creed, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and in a manner that supports all reproductive choices.